The School of Humanities 2022

The School of Humanities, in Llogara 2022. What is your dream? Between utopia and dystopia, in search of (lost) paradise. UET Center in collaboration with World Vision Albania and in partnership with the Faculty of Humanities, Education and Liberal Arts UET realized in 3 days “School of Humanities, Accounts 2022”. During the first day at the School of Humanities, it started with the presentation session by the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Education and Liberal Arts, Prof. Assoc. Dr. Belina Budini. The deanship and pedagogy of UET presented the selected graduates from all over Albania with the topic of the school and the many opportunities offered by the study branches of Humanities, Education and Liberal Arts. The graduates joined in the conversation, sharing with each other the dreams they have and the professions where they see themselves in the future. The second day of the Humanities School in Llogara presented the students with the leadership module by the UET lecturer, Dr. Clementine Mile. They were introduced to the leadership techniques that guarantee success and the ‘vices’ of a leader. Also, the students had the opportunity during the second session to talk with the philosophy lecturer Dr. Hysamedin Fera, about the topic of utopia and dystopia. Dr. Irena Myzeqari, Coach and lecturer of UET, trained the graduates through a workshop on the art and skills of public speaking. On the second day, other guests were Brendon Kotorri from Balfin Group to present the “Social Entrepreneurship” Module to the graduates, while at the end of the day the graduates together with the Director of Communication of UET, Edi Vlusha for the most successful methods of writing a university application letter and then each participant presented their paper. At the end, on the third day, one of the graduates was awarded a scholarship by “World Vision” for selecting the best paper for university application. Certificates of participation were also distributed to the other graduates. (