Inno Platform

What about Inno Platform

The project Inno Platform is a project co-funded by European Commision- Interreg Balkan-Mediterrean Programme  aims at improving the competitiveness of the Balkan Mediterranean region by advancing existing knowledge on business model innovations and developing a set of tools (Inno tools) and services (Inno Scorecard and Inno Region) for improving SMEs opportunities, capacities and knowledge in introducing product and process innovations.


  • Set of tools for supporting the successful introduction and implementation of innovations in SMEs.


  • Ranking the innovation potential of the countries in the Balkan Mediterranean Area.


  • Clustring and cooperation opportunities in the dominant emerging industries per participating region


The InnoPlatform Project – Provided Innovative Mechanisms and Platforms for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Mediterranean Balkans area through the growth and development of capacities for innovation, where the UET Center is an IPA partner, implemented within the Transnational Program Interreg BalkanMed 2014-2020, in accordance with Axis 1 of the priority – “Entrepreneurship and Innovation”, as well as the more specific objective “Innovative territories and investment priorities – supporting NMV[1] of the Mediterranean Balkans to grow in the regional, national and international and engage in innovative processes.